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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-06-29 05:47:00  浏览:8149   来源:法律资料网
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  第一条 为鼓励招标人采用竞争方式选择招标代理单位,规范招标代理行为,维护招投标活动的公平、公正,依据国务院办公厅《关于进一步规范招投标活动的若干意见》(〔2004〕56号)的相关规定,制定本规定。
  第二条 本市行政区域内政府投资必须招标的工程,选择招标代理单位时,适用本规定。
  第三条 招标代理单位比选是指招标人采用公开竞争的方式选择招标代理服务单位。
  第四条 株洲市招投标行政主管部门负责对招标代理单位比选活动进行监督。株洲市政府集中采购中心负责政府投资工程招标代理单位比选活动代理服务。株洲市招标投标交易中心负责为招标代理单位比选活动提供场地、信息发布等相关服务。
  第五条 招标人对招标代理的比选活动,应进入株洲市招投标交易有形市场,按程序规范运作。
  第六条 招标代理单位比选活动一般按照下列程序进行:
  第七条 招标人比选代理单位应当在株洲市政府门户网、株洲市招投标局管理网上发布比选公告。比选公告应包括下列内容:
  第八条 比选文件一经发出,一般不得更改。确需更改的,应在比选申请书递交截止时间2日前更改并经招投标行政主管部门备案,同时书面通知所有已领取比选文件的申请人。更改后比选申请书递交时间应当顺延。
  第九条 申请人应按照比选文件规定的时间、地点和方式递交比选申请书,不按规定时间和方式提交的比选申请书,招标人有权拒绝接收。
  第十条 对有下列情形之一的招标代理单位,招标人不得受理其比选申请:
  第十一条 比选一般采用随机抽取和综合评分两种形式。
  第十二条 随机抽取招标代理单位的操作规程由招投标行政主管部门会同相关部门,依据本规定另行制定,并报预审会通过后执行。
  第十三条 招标代理单位的综合评分办法,应从招标代理单位的胜任程度及信誉、招标组织方案及业务文件质量、投标报价等方面综合评审。具体操作细则由招投标行政主管部门会同相关部门依据本规定另行制定,并报预审会通过后执行。
  第十四条 招标代理评审委员会(以下简称评审委)的组成和专家的抽取参照工程项目执行。评审委应当根据比选文件载明的评审标准和办法进行评审。比选文件未载明的评审办法不得采用,也不得更改评审标准和办法。
  第十五条 评审委评审完毕后,应提出书面评审报告,并按得分高低顺序推荐前三名的招标代理单位作为中标候选人。
  第十六条 招标人应按评审委推荐的候选人依序确定中标人,也可授权评审委直接确定中标人。中标人确定后,除因法定情形外(法定情形参照招投标相关法律法规规定),招标人不得另选他人。

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第一章 总则

 第一条 为保障公民的结社自由,保障社会团体的合法权益,加强对社会团体的管理,发挥社会团体在社会主义建设中的积极作用,根据《社会团体登记管理条例》(以下简称条例),结合本省实际,制定本实施细则。

 第二条 在本省境内组织的协会、学会、联合会、研究会、基金会、联谊会、促进会、商会等社会团体,均应依照本实施细则的规定申请登记。

 第三条 下列团体不属于登记范围:

 第四条 社会团体不得从事以营利为目的的经营性活动。

 第五条 社会团体的一切活动都必须遵守宪法和法律、法规,维护国家的统一和民族的团结,维护正常的社会秩序,不得损害国家、社会、集体和其他公民的合法权益。

 第六条 经过登记的社会团体,其合法权益和依照登记的章程进行活动受法律保护。

 第七条 社会团体的登记管理机关是省民政厅和地(市、州)、县(市、区)民政部门。
第二章 管辖

 第八条 成立全省的社会团体,向省民政厅申请登记。成立本行政区域内的社会团体,向同级民政部门申请登记。成立跨行政区域的社会团体,向他们共同的上一级民政部门,申请登记。

 第九条 社会团体的日常管理由有关业务主管部门和登记管理机关共同负责。
第三章 登记条件

 第十条 申请成立社会团体,其会员不得少于10人。

 第十一条 申请登记的社会团体,应向社团登记管理机关提交由该社团负责人签署的登记申请书、业务主管部门审查文件、社会团体章程及有关材料。

 第十二条 社会团体的章程应当符合宪法和法律、法规的规定,并载明下列内容:

 第十三条 社会团体具备法人条件的,经核准登记后,取得法人资格。社会团体法人应具备下列条件:

 第十四条 非全省性社团的名称不得冠以“甘肃”、“全省”等容易误为全省性社会团体的字样。

 第十五条 社会团体可以下设办事机构,但不得设立二级学会、协会等独立性社团组织。
第四章 变更登记

 第十六条 社会团体改变名称、法定代表人或者负责人、业务主管部门、办事机构地址或者联络地址、印章、徽记等,应当办理变更登记。

 第十七条 社会团体申请变更登记时,应当在改变后的十日内向原登记管理机关提交下列文件、证件;

 第十八条 社会团体变更名称经核准后,应吊钩在三十日内将原证书、公章上交登记管理机关。变更后的印章、徽记等应当在三十日内向登记管理机关备案。
第五章 注销登记

 第十九条 社会团体改变宗旨、自行解散,或者由于其他变更造成与原登记管理机关管辖范围不一致的,应当办理注销登记,并向原登记管理机关提交下列文件、证件:

 第二十条 登记管理机关对核准注销登记的社会团体,应当同时撤销注册好,收缴社会团体登记证书和公章,并通知开户银行。

 第二十一条 社会团体法人注销登记后,由原登记管理机关登报公告。
第六章 登记审批程序

 第二十二条 社会团体登记管理机关登记审批的程序为受理、审查、核准、发证。

 第二十三条 申请人不服登记管理机关不予登记的决定,在接到书面答复后十日内可以向上一级登记管理机关申请复议,上一级登记管理机关应当在接到申请复议后三十日内作出复议决定,并报同级人民政府备案。

 第二十四条 登记管理机关在颁发登记证书时,应当分别编定登记注册号,并载入登记档案。

 第二十五条 社会团体在遵守国家法律的前提下,可以通过正当途径筹集资金;可以接受国内外的赞助和捐赠。

 第二十六条 任何组织和个人不得侵犯社会团体依法取得的名称、荣誉、财产、知识产权等权益。

 第二十七条 社会团体凭社会登记证书,可以按照国家有关规定刻制公章、徽记、开立银行帐户,并报社团登记管理机关备案。

 第二十八条 登记管理机关核发的《社会团体登记证》、《社会团体法人登记证》是该社会团体的合法凭证。除登记管理机关依法统一管理外,任何单位和个人不得复制、涂改、转让,也不得收缴、扣押或毁坏,如遗失应及时登报声明作废,并申请补发。
第七章 监督管理

 第二十九条 各级登记管理机关应对管辖区域内的社会团体进行监督管理,并履行下列职责:

 第三十条 社会团体必须在每年第一季度到登记管理机关办理年检手续,并报送上年度工作总结、本年度工作计划和会员变动、经费收支等情况。
第八章 处罚

 第三十一条 登记管理机关对违反条例规定的社会团体按情节轻重给予警告、停止活动、撤销登记,依法取缔的处罚。

 第三十二条 对有下列行为的社会团体,登记管理机关应当作出处罚:

 第三十三条 未经核准登记,擅自以社会团体名义进行活动的,由社团登记管理机关命令解散。

 第三十四条 对于撤销登记、依法取缔、命令解散的社会团体,由登记管理机关收缴其登记证书和公章,并登报公布。

 第三十五条 社会团体对登记管理机关作出的处罚决定不服的,可在接到处罚决定书之日起十日内,向上一级登记管理机关申请复议;上一级登记管理机关应当在接到申请复议之日起三十日内作出复议决定。

 第三十六条 对社会团体撤销登记、依法取缔的处罚,在复议期间不停止执行。受处罚的社会团体必须停止一切活动。

 第三十七条 社会团体被撤销登记或依法取缔后,其善后事宜由业务主管部门负责处理。

 第三十八条 登记管理机关处理社团违法活动,必须查明事实,依法办理,并将处理决定书面通知社会团体法定代表人(负责人)和它的业务主管部门。

 第三十九条 登记管理机关的工作人员不按规定程序办理登记、监督管理和严重失职的,根据情节轻重给予相应的行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法处理。
第九章 附则

 第四十条 本实施细则施行前已成立的社会团体,应按国家有关规定到登记管理机关办理复查登记手续。

 第四十一条 涉外社会团体的登记管理办法另行规定。

 第四十二条 本实施细则由省民政厅负责解释。

 第四十三条 本实施细则从颁布之日起施行。

Expansion of Applicable Sphere: A way to Uniformity
——Compare and Contrast between UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL Conventions
By Dongsheng Lu, Chen Yan

I. Introduction

Financing is paramount for the promotion of commerce. It has been noted that “in developed countries the bulk of corporate wealth is locked up in receivables”. As the economy develops, this wealth increasing is “unlocked by transferring receivables across national borders”. With the prompt and great increases in international trade, receivables financing now plays a more and more important role. Yet under the law of many countries, certain forms of receivables financing are still not recognized. Even transactions are involved in countries where the form of receivables financing is permitted, determining which law governs will be difficult. The disparity among laws of different jurisdiction increases uncertainty in transactions, thus constitutes obstacles to the development of assignments of receivables. To remove such obstacles arising from the uncertainty existing in various legal systems and promote the development of receivables financing cross-boarder, a set of uniform rules in this field is required. The international community has made great efforts in adopting uniform laws. Among those efforts, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) drafted, on 12 December, 2001, “United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade” (hereinafter referred to as the “UNCITRAL Convention”), with its aim to “establish principles and to adopt rules relating to the assignment of receivables that would create certainty and transparency and promote the modernization of the law relating to assignments of receivables”. UNCITRAL is not the first international organization attempting to resolve the problems associated with receivables. As early as in May 1988, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) has already adopted a convention known as the “UNIDROIT Convention on International Factoring” (hereinafter referred to as the “UNIDROIT Convention”).

When compare and contrast between the UNIDROIT Convention and the UNCITRAL Convention, one might see a lot of inconsistency in detailed regulations, e.g. sphere of application, relations between parties, priorities, and choice of law, etc. Given the limited space available in this article, the author may only focus on the difference in “sphere of application” of these two conventions, as sphere of application is perhaps the most fundamental issue of a convention.

The purpose of an international convention is to create uniformity in its covered matter, thus the broader a convention’s sphere of application is, the higher could uniformity reach. This article will try to make compare and contrast the sphere of application between the UNIDROIT Convention and the UNCITRAL Convention, illustrate the differences exist between these two conventions, and demonstrate the expansion of sphere of application in the UNCITRAL Convention and its progress on the way to uniformity.

II. Sphere of Application: Subject Matter

As its title indicates, the subject matter of the UNIDROIT Convention is of course international factoring. Article 1(1) says, “this Convention governs factoring contracts and assignments of receivables as described in this Chapter.”

For “factoring contract”, the UNIDROIT Convention provides the following 4 characteristics:

(1) purpose of the contract is to assign receivables;

(2) receivables to be assigned arises from contracts of sale of goods made between the supplier and its customers (debtors), other than those of sale of goods bought primarily for personal, family or household use;

(3) the factor is to perform at least two of the four functions: (i) finance for the supplier; (ii) maintenance of accounts (ledgering) relating to the receivables; (iii) collection of receivables; and (iv) protection against default in payment by debtors;

(4) notice of the assignment of the receivables is to be given to debtors.

As about “assignments of receivables as described in this Chapter”, article 2 (1) describes assignments of receivables as assignment of receivables pursuant to a factoring contract.

Factoring is just a subset of the receivables financing, and perhaps the oldest and most basic one. Besides factoring, receivables financing still entail the following forms,

(1) Forfeiting, similar to factoring, involves the purchase or discounting of documentary receivables (promissory notes, for example) without recourse to the party from whom the receivables are purchased;

(2) Refinancing, also known as secondary financing, involves the subsequent assignment of receivables. In its basic form, one bank or financier will assign to another bank its interest, with the potential for further assignment;

(3) Securitization, in which both marketable (for example, trade receivables) and non-marketable (consumer credit card receivables) asset cash flows are repackaged by a lender and transferred to a lender-controlled company, which will issue securities, sell and then use the proceeds to purchase the receivables;

(4) Project Finance, in which repayment of loans made by banks or financiers to project contractors for the financing of projects are secured through the future revenues of the project.

The first draft of the UNCITRAL Convention has stated to cover factoring, forfeiting, refinancing, securitization and project finance. Somehow, the working group decides that rather than emphasize the form in which the receivables appear, it would instead concentrate on the way in which the receivables might be transferred (contractual or non-contractual) and the purpose of the transaction (for financing or non-financing purposes). It decides the contractual receivables and assignment made to secure financing and other related services would be covered. The non-contractual receivables such as insurance and tort receivables, deposit bank accounts, or claims arising by operation of law seems are not within the ambits of the UNCITRAL convention.

III. Sphere of Application: Special Requirements

Both of the conventions contain a series of requirements. Only when those requirements are satisfied, could the convention be applied. The higher and stricter the requirements are, the smaller the chance to apply the convention is.

a) Internationality requirement

Both the two conventions indicate their sphere of application is of internationality requirement, but the same word in these two conventions has different legal meaning. The internationality requirement of UNIDROIT Convention is exclusively based upon the parties to the underlying contract, i.e. the contract of sale of goods (the supplier and the debtor) having their place of business in different countries. In other words, where the receivables arise from a contract of sale of goods between a supplier and a debtor whose places of business are in the same State, the UNIDROIT Convention could not apply, no matter the following assignment of receivables is to assignee in the same or different State. Thus leaving the international assignment of domestic receivables untouched. The problem, at its simplest, is twofold: first, inconsistency. For instance, in the case where a bulk assignment is made and where part of the receivables are domestic (supplier and debtor are in the same State) and part are international (supplier and debtor are in different State), if the supplier assigns the receivables to a party which is located in another State, the bulk assignment between the same supplier and the same assignee will be governed by two sets of laws and regulations: the portion of international receivables may be governed by the UNIDROIT Convention while the domestic one will be left to the jurisdiction of certain domestic law.

Secondly, leaving the international assignment of domestic receivables to the jurisdiction of various law systems of different States can make “commercial practice uncertain, time-consuming and expensive”. The assignee of receivables from a foreign State may not know which State’s law governs the transaction, and, if the law of the assignor’s State applies, the assignee’s rights would be subject to the vagaries of that foreign law. This no doubt would greatly impede the development of such transaction.
